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002 [18 Nov 2009|07:46pm]

The snow looks really nice. I can't wait till there is more of it though. Cold kind of sucks probably need to stock up on warmer clothes.

Also I'm starting to take piano lessons from Pegasus. I think if this goes well maybe I'll ask him to give me some more etiquette lessons. Seeing as it's been made apparent that I need to be a little bit more classy.
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001 [26 Aug 2009|08:49pm]
[Locked From: Gino and Suzaku]

As embarrassing as this sounds I've come to the realization that I've never been on a date before. So taking the extreme leap from nothing to being whatever I am here to some ball seems like a stretch. Or maybe I'm just over reacting. Is anyone out there able to at least provide me with the basics so come Friday night I don't make a giant fool of myself.

I mean I'm already well aware that my date will probably embarrass me. Last major function I saw him at he wanted to eat the center piece. I don't need my own personal blunders to add on to this!
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