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Sister Voodoo

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Into Seattle - Test Thread [22 Nov 2013|11:55pm]
There was something worth investigating in Seattle.  Such was the word of the Loa, who guided her to this place.  Marie walked the streets at night, quietly hunting for her purpose.  But perhaps it was her purpose that was hunting her, instead.  From the dark corners of the streets, figures emerged around her.  She drew her daggers, ready for a fight.

Midway into striking at one of them, she realized that these were not something she was quite prepared to handle.
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Sister Voodoo [07 Jan 2011|11:31am]
CHARACTER NAME:  Marie Chabert
CHARACTER LJ: aerosmithette
PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION: Six feet tall, 140 pounds, black hair, brown eyes.
AGE: 24
BIRTHDAY: September 2

PB: Oluchi Onweagba

ABILITIES: Marie is a Voodoo Priestess, capable of summoning the Loa in times of need.  She is also capable of using her own body as a voodoo doll, though she still requires hair and objects taken from her victims.  Like her father, she uses voodoo as a form of white magic.  Her time in the Assassins Guild gave Marie a degree of skill with stealth, assassination, and direct combat (she specializes with knives -- think Rogue class in video games).
WEAKNESSES/FLAWS:  Marie's voodoo requires time and preparation to accomplish.  Even simple spells require some preparation, and nothing can be done on the fly.

HOME: New Orleans
RELATIVESJericho Drumm (Father, Alive), Odette Chabert (Mother, Deceased)
HISTORY:  Marie was born to Odette Chabert, a brief fling with Jericho Drumm before he was called to Haiti once again.  At a young age, Marie showed a natural inclination for voodoo, which her mother also practiced.  Odette made enemies with the Assassins Guild, causing her own death and the abduction of Marie into their ranks.  Marie was raised as a member of the Assassins Guild, learning their ways and using her voodoo to accomplish the tasks given to her.  Eventually, Mari was tasked with taking out Brother Voodoo.  During their encounter, they became aware of their relation as father and daughter.  Since then, Marie stole a lock of Bella Donna's hair and one of her personal items and has extricated herself from the Assassins Guild to travel with her father and study under him.  Recently, Marie has decided to spend time apart from her father in order to pursue her own path.

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