Manly! Like Exploding Dinosaurs' Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
Manly! Like Exploding Dinosaurs

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[03 Nov 2008|01:03pm]
[ mood | annoyed ]

Dear Campaigners in or around my neighborhood,

Please stop putting VOTE FOR ___________ flyers on my door, in my mailbox, on my car windshield, up my butt. I already voted and I'm sick of this election. If I hadn't already voted I may highly consider not voting for your candidate out of spite. Maybe to teacher you a lesson that this blatant waste of paper is more annoying than productive in getting your candidate elected. In fact if there really is an idiot who's vote is swayed or made just from your flyer I weep for humanity. Furthermore I don't want anyone that stupid voting anyway.

And no. I won't be watching the coverage of it tomorrow night. Like I really want to spend hours in front of the t.v. watching something that boring. Hopefully I will be able to find something else to tickle my fancy.

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