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Because I never use Scribbld [05 Jul 2008|11:49pm]
So my parents are being really annoying about Cassie and I moving in together, but my dad brought something to my attention that I had actually kinda forgotten about in Cassie and I's fixation on an apartment. If my dad goes to prison in a month, I'll legally be able to rent his house from what's now our landlord (We sold our house about a year ago to him) for $500 a month. We want an apartment of our own, but we wanted to be out in August because it's a good month for both of us to be out during. We have a few hundred dollars saved. Enough to put a deposit down on an apartment. We have credit card debt and no other money saved. It sucks.

My dad asked what I was doing a little bit ago, and I said "Looking at apartments online". Here's the convo:

"Why? I don't know why you waste your time looking at things that... Aren't going to happen"

"It is happening. I've told you lots of times that Cassie and I are getting an apartment".

"What? Why?"

"Because if I can't live here (meaning if he goes away), I don't want to live with Mom and Steve. Cassie needs to be out, too".

"Why won't you be able to live here?"

"Because I can't afford it on my own, and Cassie doesn't want to live here".

"So she'd rather live in an apartment instead of a bigger house that has a yard?"

".... Yeah."

The rest of what he said isn't really important. Cassie doesn't want to live here because it's "Ugly", and the house I grew up in. She wants to jump into an apartment without any money saved, and I don't think it's a good idea. I told her I thought we should wait and see whether or not he's going away, and if he is, move in and pay less to live here and transfer Dad's bills to me (He said he'd do that to save us trouble). We'd be able to save money while living here, and pay off our credit cards a bit more. If he doesn't go, then we will have already saved some money, and will be able to put a deposit down on an apartment, and do one of two things 'til our move in date. 1) Live in Intown Suites. It's kind of like a weekly motel that a lot of people live in permanently. $175 a week or something. 2) Live with our parents. She might have some complications with that, but going by what I know about the situation, I don't think it will be too much of an issue.

Now Cassie's agreeing with me out of anger and frustration. She was saying I could live here alone, and she'd get her own place because she doesn't like my house. Now she's saying it has to be completely empty, and have all of my dad's stuff out. She's also saying that we'd have to paint and make it our own, which was the original idea anyways. Whatever. I guess we have a plan now. I just think she's wanting too much too soon. Wanting to move into a 725'2 apartment for almost eight-hundred dollars a month with no money saved just isn't the best thing for us now. We need to save, and get our debt taken care of. Then we'll have a lot better idea of how much we make a month, and be able to afford a nicer place with our saved money.

Ok. We don't have a plan. I told her that Mom, Dad and I would have to figure out what to do with his stuff, she decided that that meant SHE'D have to do it. I told her it didn't, and she just doesn't want to deal with "My mom popping up every day, how long we'd be here, and my dad's jail shit". I really don't care about this stupid shit anymore. She can try to live on her own if she wants. I'll get rid of my dad's stuff and make the place my own while I'm here. Then hopefully after that things will work out.
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Testing!! [25 Mar 2008|10:34am]
[ mood | aggravated ]
[ music | Cassie's voice... ]

I have absolutely no clue if this will post or not. I'm gonna ramble on and on so I can see how long of a message I can post. McMeow! Ok... I guess I'm not going to ramble; I have nothing to say. Sha...


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[17 Feb 2008|01:09pm]

I don't think I'm eating at all the way I should. Normally I don't eat huge meals, but I eat lots of times a day. Lately I've been eating very few things a day. Not even meals =/ The day after Valentine's Day I ate four cupcakes and a frozen dinner. A very small frozen dinner at that. I just don't feel hungry anymore. I haven't eaten anything since last night (Two eggs and some toast at one-thirty in the morning), and I'm not hungry. Well... That's not true. I'm hungry, but I don't feel like eating. Hm. I shall make a frozen dinner. Doesn't sound good at the moment, but I know I've gotta eat.

I just checked my voicemail on my AIM phoneline. I give that number to the places I apply to. I haven't gotten a call from Lobis yet. I'm gonna stay logged onto my JBBD112788 screen name so I can hear the phone ring. I might answer. I dunno.

I'm getting dizzy, and my stomach is growling. I shall eat.

I can't wait to move so I can get to work on my new bedroom! I like knowing how to do whatever I want to do. My room will be perfect. I don't give two shits about Dad's super boring, plain taste in style (I'll be the first to admit I have very reserved tastes, but Dad likes WHITE walls, blue-grey carpets, and UGLY hardwood floors. I like dark hardwood, he likes light).

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Waiting for Dad... [31 Jan 2008|10:09pm]

 Dad's doing his bills before we watch Supernatural or Smallville. I hope he gets done early enough to watch both of them. I'm not going to have time to watch one of them tomorrow before work, and I really wanna see them!

 I finally got some calls about my applications. Well... A call from the movie theater to schedule an interview, and another from a veterinary hospital requesting a second interview (Probably with the doctor this time). My interview at the hospital is tomorrow. I don't know what time, but the receptionist girl told me I was supposed to have one this Friday, and that I should get a call about it. I didn't, so I'm just gonna stop by tomorrow morning just in case.

 Work on the house is going great. the walls are finally completely done except for one board of sheet rock that has to be cut for the sink pipes. Do not want! Ron's gonna paint the kitchen and dining room tomorrow (primed today). My shoulders were a little sore after sanding both ceilings yesterday. It's really odd sanding above your head.

 I'm really excited about going to NY for Winter Carnival. I'm bringing the camcorder that Dad brought home from work so I can record stuff. Maybe this time I won't have to be the designated driver for four people (My dad and aunt included). That was a little lame, but fun at the same time. I've never really been sober while everyone else gets drunk. Plus it was in a bar, and every time me or anyone else I know is getting drunk, it's in a house. 'Twas fun. I wish Dad would feel up to driving to Canada while we're up there so we can get wasted. lol. I get wasted anyways, but it would be legal there. My cousin wants to go up there with me. All in due time I suppose. 

 I've got a lot of trips planned. Well... Three, but that's more than I've ever had planned at once. I'm leaving for NY in less than a week, and will be there for  week. Snowboarding, sledding, going to party-like things, parades through the small little village (lol Disney characters), looking at the college there and just playing in the snow all day! I LOVE Saranac Lake sooooo much.

 Well.. Dad's done with his bills now. I can't wait to get my Helio turned back on. He'd better not forget to pay me! -_- I've gotta go get my clothes in the dryer for my interview tomorrow so they're perfectly unwrinkled.

I love you, Cassie.



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