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All These Fools

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Billy : [22 May 2012|04:15pm]
Rain forecast over the next million days. Ugh. I hate crappy weather. It needs to be nice out.

But in other, much more exciting news, at the end of June, I will be leaving my home in Babylon and moving into a city apartment with Bradley. He's got a new job and can afford a bigger place and we think it's time to cut the back and forth commute to see one another. I'll keep you all posted on the progress of things. I am so excited. IKEA on Saturday! :)
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Collin : [22 May 2012|04:19pm]
All is well I suppose.
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Il'ya : [22 May 2012|04:19pm]
[ mood | high ]

Sometimes the real voices of shouting neighbors is more annoying and unsettling than the voices I hear in my head.

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Jephray : [22 May 2012|04:20pm]
I want to make an extra couple of bucks and star in a low budget action movie. I'd play the stupid sidekick that gets killed halfway through. Randy put the idea in my head but I told him I'd only do it if he were cast as the villain and I could talk Dennis into being the leading man. I don't know. I'm drunk before 4:30... this hasn't happened in a long assed time.
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Leoma : [22 May 2012|04:22pm]
My friends are assholes. My father is retarded and just adding to my list of things to stress about. My mother's been harassing me on texts and email. I'm 17 fucking years old. I don't need this bullshit in my life.

I'm not talking to Bailey, thus not talking to Berg either.

I'm come home to an empty apartment and play babysitter to my hungover dad when he decides to show up.

The only person I don't seem to clash with lately is Eli and I think it's because we're both hoping for the same outcome of all this bullshit dad is putting us through.
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Linnea : [22 May 2012|04:26pm]
Not a single outburst since the Monday after Easter. I count my blessings, even ones so small.
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Michael : [22 May 2012|04:26pm]
I think it's time I buy a new laptop. My keys are sticking and it hurts my knuckles to type. Working all week. Central Park. Rain or shine.
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Randy : [22 May 2012|04:27pm]
Tomorrow is Wednesday... you know what that means?!?!?
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[ viewing | May 22nd, 2012 ]
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