Joanna "Jo" Beth Harvelle's Journal [entries|friends|calendar]
Joanna "Jo" Beth Harvelle

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Not going to let you drown in your own self-loathing. [15 May 2011|07:17pm]
Jo had been tailing Sam for a little over a week now. A couple of times, he had caught on to her, and she almost lost him in that town back in Oklahoma, but she had finally managed to track him down to a small town outside of Omaha, Nebraska. Jo had driven around, looking at all the small cheap motels for the Impala, parking her car a good distance away from it, so he wouldn't catch on to her being in town.

She was worried about him. Ever since Dean died a couple of months ago, he'd been distancing himself from people. From Bobby, from her mom, and from her. He never responded to any of her calls, and when she called Bobby a couple of weeks ago, he couldn't recall the last time he'd heard from Sam. He had informed Jo that he tried tracking him down several times, but Sam always seemed to catch on and lose him. Her mother tried the exact same thing as Bobby, only for Sam to shake her off his tail.

So now, it was Jo's turn. And she wasn't giving up until she found him and talked some sense into him. She knew that Dean wouldn't want him shutting people out like this.

So Jo waited until he was out of the hotel room for the day. She fed the maid a story about her boyfriend taking both sets of room keys with him, and made her way into the room. Jo turned off the light, sitting at the desk and waiting for Sam.
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