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IJ IS BACK. [16 Apr 2008|01:29pm]
It's still running funny, but it's being worked on. All the data is still there. Insanejournal's Twitter says that if you get a 404, hold down shift and press refresh in your browser. This does seem to work. :) And, presumably, everything should be back to normal soon enough. I think Squeaky has plans to change hosting providers anyway (right?), so hopefully something like this won't happen again.

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:( [15 Apr 2008|12:22pm]
Come back soon, IJ! I miss you.
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icons ahoy! [20 Jan 2008|03:22am]

Instead of posting icons in this journal here at scribbld, I made the community [info]seacons. Please, feel free to watch it for icon updates that mirror the updates I post at IJ. I'll get the old icons up at some point, too, but that's not as high on my list of priorities right now. It'll get done eventually.

That's all!

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