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Avery the Great

I don't wanna be your friend, I just wanna be your lover.

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If you haven't heard by now [Sun 13 Jul / 8:24pm]
Sorry, ladies, I'm off the market. for now.

Giada )
lisez tous (30) commentaire

[Mon 9 Jun / 7:42pm]
I feel like that Rip Van Winkle fellow from one of those muggle books.
What's good and new? Any pregnancies or marriages I should know about?
lisez tous (63) commentaire

[Sat 22 Mar / 9:56pm]
Would it be bad to say I don't remember much of this week? Because I don't.

Oh, and I hope you're dong alright, Giada. If you end up get evicted, you know that there's always a room open at my place for you.
lisez tous (29) commentaire

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