boy you's a pussy, hope you got nine lives' Journal [entries|friends|calendar]
boy you's a pussy, hope you got nine lives

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[05 Oct 2008|02:23pm]
[ mood | annoyed ]

 I seem to be stressed more than I realize because for about two weeks now, i've been blessed with frequent headaches. My Roomate doesn't help either. He's one of those types that can't help but, talk really loudly. He's aware of this problem but he has yet to really do something about it. I just hate him sometimes for it. The other night I was study for this History test and he get's a phone call. And of course he has to have some obnoxious ringtone for his calls. It's that dumb song that goes "oh hot damn this is my jam" idk. I guess it's popular here among the student body. I personally hate it. I could hear his entire side of the conversation and he was in his bedroom with the door closed. :|

I've gone from two aspirins to three each time now.

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[01 Oct 2008|03:26pm]
been busy with my job and school.
sorry peeps i will try to update moreeee.
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[19 Sep 2008|03:14pm]
 Sup lil' ladies? ( by that i mean everybody)

I'm 19.
I have a penis.
the name is Gabriel.

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