The Salvage of my Sanity... - September 8th, 2009
(Bar-Ohki lives here)

Child of the Fey
Date: 2009-09-08 11:44
Subject: KCon Epic stuff
Security: Public
Location:Parent's Pad

Well my second day at Kumori Con was full of Girl Genius stuff and shopping. I scored a Master Sword (real metal), some tee-shirts as gifts, and all the Eysheild manga I was missing. Yay!

I also drew some really awesome pictures of Emiko and Hiruma. I'll scan 'em in later.

And, for the first time in several years, I spoke face to face with Sasha, an ex-friend of mine that backstabbed me pretty damn good. We were civil and fine, but it reminded me of what kind of abuse she had done to be before we stopped being friends. I still hurt from that and it sucks sometimes.

I discovered that Songs for Daddy did not win in the fic contest, that didn't disappoint me. But it did drive me nuts because trying to learn that took an extra two hours that I really didn't want to be spending loitering at the hotel. Now that that's over, I drove home.

And driving on the interstate with autism? That's really nerve-wracking and hard on my mind (because its extremely easy to get distracted which is REALLY bad). And I had over stimulated myself everday I was at the con so I came home an almost broken down wreck.

Then I found out I had to go and pay my rent and run errands. Nearly wreacked my mom's nice car.

Yay.  /scarcaism

Now that I've slept and rested I feel better. I did enjoy the con a lot, so I'm glad I went.

Here's a link to some of the pics I took.

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