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Marissa Wayne

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DC Character Update [07 Nov 2010|10:07am]
Marissa: Presently in Songbirds.  I'm still struggling with this character and am not getting the support I would like despite repeated requests and offered ideas.  In theory there is an upcoming plot for the Terry that will finally get into the death of Vicki Vale, but I'm not confident that will happen.

J'anna:  Dating Tim.  I'm not sure what's on deck. Since it was decided that J'anna is not going to be pregnant, I've discarded the Fernus plot.

Katima: Doing Darkstars stuff.

Nic: Dating Cindy, currently doing the Injustus plot.  I am so unhappy with this character and she is pretty miserable, too.  Considering having her kill herself, but not as a part of Blackest Night.

Kayla: Not yet active, will be a Darkstars villain.

Maura: Has been turned into a small child for a plot.  I have no future plans for her at this time.

Johnny: Doom Patrol plots.  That's pretty much all she's got going on, which is nice because those plots are fun.

Zach: Was created to do stuff with Wendy, but I'm not sure what's actually going to happen with that.
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