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Victoria Cadwallader

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[13 Jan 2019|11:19pm]
That's not the way we do things up here. )
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009 [26 Oct 2013|09:49am]
[Sam] SAMANTHA. I'm. Babies. [/Sam]

[Henry] I ... have to talk to you. I didn't want to bug you, but I think it's kind of a thing. [/Henry]

Ava wants to be a crayon for Halloween. Anyone good with costuming?
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008 [22 Oct 2012|09:16pm]
I need to stop being a house-hippo

Okay, look. This might not be a well-known fact, but I love Halloween and its associated parties, so someone has to come with me to the extremely awesome looking train party?

Remember, it's for a good cause!
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007 [17 Jan 2012|11:17pm]
Everyone should take a few moments out of their day to welcome my dear sister to this brave new world!

She's a ton of fun and extremely talented, and I'm sure she would love someone to take her out for dinner and show her all the important magical places here.

I'm looking at you, fellow Magpies. Especially you, Thomas.
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006 [21 Dec 2011|11:14pm]
I'm actually excited to go home. It'll be nice to have the family together again.

[Mira] I'm starting to think I should just give up on guys for a while. Things with Ian were just -- awkward. Maybe I just need a break in general. [/Mira]
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005 [13 Dec 2011|05:29pm]
Today Ava and I went Christmas tree shopping! The selection isn't as nice as at home, but I think Ava picked out a pretty nice one! What do you guys think?

She's adorable, I think. )

She still won't let me braid her hair like mine, but at least she likes the hat.

So far Mission: Christmas Distraction is working out.
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004 [14 Nov 2011|11:30pm]
I am moving back to Canada as soon as this trade thing is over

I'm really starting to miss the snow.

[Magpies] I'm not going to make a big deal about this, but the rags are right. Vinny and I are -- not working out. I'm sorry if I let this affect my attitude in practice the next few days. I'm really going to try and not let it throw me off my game. [/Magpies]

[Friends] Vinny and I are over. He -- doesn't want us to be together. [/Friends]

[Ian] Sorry if I drooled on you last night. At least I didn't throw up on you. [/Ian]
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003 [11 Sep 2011|07:46pm]
I hope everyone's enjoying the new season so far.

[Ian] This is going to sound super weird but So, my brother is watching Ava tonight and I could probably stand to get out of the house. Do you want to go get some pizza or something? Unless you're on some sort of strict diet during the season... [/Ian]
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002 [19 May 2011|04:07pm]
[Friends & Family, Co-workers]

So ... because I don't want there being any weird rumours -- since apparently that happens around here -- the friends from Moose Jaw that passed away last week named me the godmother of their child when Ava was born.

Now that they have moved on, I'm now her mother.

Alkhkljdslkfjklhjafdslkjsfs OK NOW EVERYONE DON'T FREAK OUT

[/Friends & Family, Co-workers]
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001 [03 Jan 2011|09:35pm]
This country is really confusing.

Seriously. Why would I want to jump into a dirty fireplace.
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