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[02 Feb 2008|04:02am]
thru city lights: WAIT
N0sliw Pilf: what are you and callahan doin tomorrow night tho
thru city lights: what are you doing tomorrow night?
thru city lights: .......weird
N0sliw Pilf: oh wow
thru city lights: kautters having a party
N0sliw Pilf: oh man! that is better than my plans
N0sliw Pilf: which were "lets go get coffee"
thru city lights: hahahahha
thru city lights: well lets go get crunk
thru city lights: instead
N0sliw Pilf: good plan
N0sliw Pilf: gimme a call
thru city lights: gimme a call
thru city lights: ......
N0sliw Pilf: no u
N0sliw Pilf: and stop that
N0sliw Pilf: immediately

we say the same things at the same time. :)
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[ viewing | February 2nd, 2008 ]
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