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Alder Reardon

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Test Post [21 Nov 2010|04:52pm]

It was a little past noon as Alder scaled the back walls of the compound where his target had holed up in the hopes of escaping the cold grasp of death. Clearly it was going to fail with him on the case. Alder didn’t know what this guy had done to warrant death but he assumed it was a good reason otherwise why send him out there.

Once he got to the top of the wall he hung on to it just out of view to see if and where there were any guards up top. He closed his eyes for a moment to activate his second sight. He then opened them again to see where the guards where through the walls. He counted five only two of which were in his way to get to where he needed to go. Those would be the only two to die for now.

Alder then closed his eyes again deactivating his second sight. Then he pulled himself up on top of the wall as quietly but skillfully killed both of the guards without a sound being made with his hidden blades. They never stood a chance and none of the other guards were alerted to his presence there.

With practiced skill he stealthfully made his way to the roof of the main building in the compound without alerting anyone to his presence. He then looked through the skylight with his second sight to find his target who was right under the skylight where he could see him without his sight.

After lining everything up he jumped through the skylight and landed right on top of him sinking his hidden blade right through his throat. He was dead before either of them hit the ground. “Rest in peace,” Alder said closing the dead man’s eyes with one hand while the other threw two knifes into the chests of the shocked guard in the room.

He then hit the ground running making his way back out of the compound no one knowing that he had ever been there other than the five dead bodies he had left behind.

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App [21 Nov 2010|02:19am]

Player (nickname, handle)/ LJ: Matthew Beck
AIM (if you have one):
Character Name: Alder Reardon
Character LJ (if applicable):

Physical description (face, build, weight): Alder is 6 feet tall and 170lbs. He has Blue eyes and Brown hair.
Age: 22
Birthday: November 6
Codename (if using one): Eagle
PB: (If using one.) Jonathan Rhys Meyers

Second Sight- Alder has a second sight that he can activate through concentration that lets him see things like who are his allies are, who his enemies are, who and where his target is, hidden things ect. This can see through wall and other objects though has a range of about 100 ft.

Weapons Maker- Alder makes his own weapons and has invented a special hidden blade weapon that has multiple functions doubling as a gun, dart gun and, poison injector.

Combat Training- Alder is very skilled at fighting both hand to hand and with weapons.

Master of Stealth and Freerunning- Alder is trained in stealth for moving around and blending into a crowd. He is also trained in freerunning for getting around

Weaknesses and flaws: Alder is basically a normal human and has all the weaknesses that come with it. Alder also has a strong code of honor that he will not break under any circumstances which can but used to manipulate him. His second sight only works on things he is looking at, it does not give him eyes on the back of his head or even the side of his head.

Character location/Home: Wherever he is told to go
Alignment (villain, hero etc): Honorable Bad
Team: League of Assassins
Relatives (living/dead?): Orphan none known

Backstory: Alder was an orphan who David Cain used as a part of one of his many experiments to create the perfect assassin. This experiment was focused primarily on stealth. He learned what he could from the league and was also sent to learn from some experts in stealth that Cain thought he could use and control.

One of these teachers was a former student of Richard Dragon who was an expert in free-running. While he taught him what he was suppose to but he also taught him something Cain would have not wanted him to learn about honor, something he took to heart. Because of this he is considered a failure since he puts his code of honor above any order.

Still when the league wants someone dead quietly and untraceable he’s the man for it.

How do you plan to introduce the character to the game?: Coming back from an assignment
What are you planning to do with this character? League of Assassins stuff
What do you want to see happen with this character?: Play around with what it’s like to be an Honorable Bad Guy

Please include a sample post/scene

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