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Books [17 Jan 2008|08:53pm]
50 Books, Rules and Guidelines:

001. Read 5o books or more in 2008.
002. Keep track of how many I read.
003. First-time books only.
004. Leaving entry public. If you want to
recommend any books, go for it.

1. Then He Ate My Boy Entrancers
2. Startled by His Furry Shorts
3. Love is a Many Trousered Thing
4. Love Walked In
5. No Country For Old Men
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Movies [14 Jan 2008|02:15pm]
001. Watch 100 movies or more in 2008.
002. Keep track of how many I watch.
003. First time movies only.

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[13 Jan 2008|02:54am]
comment to be added
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