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Mitch Shelly

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[22 Jun 2011|10:47pm]
Born sometime in the early part of the seventeenth century, in  Virginia, Daniel Lanning was a simple farmer with a family.  Under unexplained circumstances, he went missing for a week and was later returned in to his field, as naked as the day he had been made.  Though not understanding, both he and his family were grateful for the reunion.  But after a farming accident that killed him, from which he rose, healed, whole, and gifted with strange abilities he could not control, it became clear that he could not die.

His wife and young son fled from him in fear 

Life failed to get any better after that.  Wishing his family no further harm, he fled to Salem, MA, several colonies away... just in time for the Salem Witch Trials.  Another accident, another resurrection, and he was tried as a witch.  When he failed to die from being burned at the stake, only suddenly manifested powers of persuasion enabled him to go free.

Taking on other names, other identities, (eventually settling on Mitch Shelly), he made his way through the world with but one goal in mind: find a way to die forever.  He's lived many lives, never dying permanently, never aging, holding many different occupations, but never getting close to anyone.  He fought in the American Revolution, the Civil War, and both World Wars, dying many times, but never for long, and never daring to get close to anyone. 

His only friend, if it can be called a friendship, is one Hob Galding, both of whom regard the other as an utter fool.

Shelly is tired of his long life, and only wants to die.  He wants no part of this new age of heroes that seems to be rising... but he's not going to have much choice.
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