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Inezia's Bio [26 Apr 2011|11:37pm]
Inezia is a time and dimensionally displaced adventurer. She was the daughter of a knight and a whore. At an early age she decided she didn't want to end up like her mother and knew very little of her father as he wanted nothing to do with a girl child had she been a boy he may have seen things differently. She learned how to fight by watching others and when she was fourteen and learned to bond her chest to hide her true gender than ran out into the night. For the next few years she had adventures only a few could dream of. She saw magic, battles between honorable knights and their deadly foes, and she also saw her first dragon.

She joined a company of heroes that went to save a city that was held captive by horrible magical beings that would have destroyed it. During that battled she was gifted by a powerful wizard the ability to change forms so she could act as their scout. It had a price but she didn't have to pay it that day.

Eventually when her adventures took her up against a dragon who had power no one could measure she got knocked into time and space by the dragon who did not like someone trying to sneak up on him. That was how she came to the Penny Dreadful universe and how Cubed found the person who fell out of time.

1) Inezia is an accomplished fighter when it comes to swords and daggers. Ideally with a pair of daggers.
2) Shape shifter: Inezia can take on the form of a hawk. he down side is that the animal mind starts to over ride rational thinking after four straight hours spent in that form so she must take a break or risk loosing herself to the hawk.
3) Inezia is also an accomplished thief being able to break into any mechanical lock. Electronic locks confuse her and she calls them witch craft though.

Persons looking for: Someone who would teach Inezia how to read. She is illiterate. Possibly someone to play Cubed as that would be doubling up on different roles.

New friends as she is starting to settle in at Alpha Academy.
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