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high five
Harry J. Potter

Not the most reliable owler is an outrageous understatement. You realise I've been waiting for you to owl me since June? Really, Harry.

What ifs are more bloody trouble then they're worth--they don't get you any closer to the answer you were hoping to find. Thing is, they didn't get the training because if they did, who knows? I think it's best to just remember them for their bravery and enjoy life more for each of them. It always makes me feel a wee bit better.

Training sounds like a right bore to me, but I'm glad it at least seems to be going well enough. You can still write, after all, so it can't be that bad. I figure you'll be just fine, Harry. You've never shied away from challenges before.

Hope you're well. You really ought to drop in at the Burrow--Mum is going stark raving mad without anyone else to keep her distracted. She misses you, I reckon.
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