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Thomas Kyle

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[18 Dec 2013|05:13am]
The holiday season had its own party circuit, which meant a good deal of required attendances, fake smiling, and either lining up dates for parties or avoiding debutantes should you go stag. So not exactly his favourite part of the holiday season, especially when you added in the penchant for these sorts of things to get robbed. But the Gotham lot was a jaded one, hell, they bet on which parties would get hit.
Wayne ones had the highest chances. Typical.
At least this particular charity one he didn't hate. The benefit had a medical theme, and of course Wayne Enterprises would be there, Bruce had established the Thomas Wayne Foundation specifically for dealing with medical related things. The foundation was hosting the event to raise money for various organizations, Doctors Without Borders among them. Though tonight he was mostly grateful he'd never changed his name, because god would it be awkward to have the same name as the foundation hosting this thing.
Thomas had on the usual impeccably tailored suit expected of him at these things, and he adjusted the red tie a bit before walking by one of the drink trays and swiping a glass for himself. Long night here, he'd need the drink.
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