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Jessica Rhodes

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[23 Jan 2011|06:17pm]
Name: Jessica Rhodes
Age: 16
Height: 5’7”
Weight: 135
Appearance: Brown hair, hazel eyes, olive-ish skin tone.  Bears a striking resemblance to her aunt Anastasia
Relatives: Justin Rhodes (father), Christina Frost-Rhodes (mother), Anastasia Summers (aunt), Antoinette Rhodes (aunt), Harvey Hogan (uncle), Kassia McKenzie (aunt), James Christian Rhodes (fraternal twin brother), James Rhodes (grandfather), Virgina "Pepper" Potts (grandmother), Emma Frost (grandmother), Bruce Gotham (grandfather).

Jessica is the daughter of Justin and Christina Rhodes.  She is older than her twin brother James by two minutes, but is shorter than he is by five inches so she doesn't even attempt to lord this over him.  Like her mother, she has the ability to turn into an organic diamond.  She also has cyberpathy. She enjoys dismantling things and putting them back together.
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