[ as i set down these notes on paper ] - June 16th, 2004 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Corpus Callosum

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June 16th, 2004

Random thoughts from a couple of days [Jun. 16th, 2004|01:35 pm]

I think it must be National Apple Day today. In science we were experimenting with the enzymes in apple juice; the food tech group were making apple pie; and a mysterious apply scent is hanging around the art block.

Top Tip For Living A Long And Happy Life: do not under any circumstances let Scouts near sharp pointy objects. I was almost filleted several times, as were my fellow Guides. We were practicing making washstands, flagpoles and putting up tents (yaysies, lightweight tents, or at least when compared to those horrid great Icelandics we were using before) for the British Legion Cup, and using what amounted to butchers' knives to cut the rope for the lashing... in hindsight, probably a bad idea. The Scouts were having fun, though. *grins, rolls eyes*

I had a dream the other night, the second installment of a dream I'd had a while back where, in space for some reason, I got press-ganged into a kind of spy-mercinary type group. Anyways. This dream was our first mission, for some reason we were in my house, and it went like this:

My Weird Dream )

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