[ as i set down these notes on paper ] - July 29th, 2004 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Corpus Callosum

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July 29th, 2004

Snake Escape! [Jul. 29th, 2004|08:59 am]
This morning, we went upstairs to feed Sonic (our corn snake)-- and he was gone! The tank's sliding door was closed, but he was nowhere to be found. Me and mum searched and searched, but to no avail...

Eventually mum, who kept talking about finding his skeleton (shudder), declared that we had to go out or we'd be late for a thing we had to go to that day. She put Sonic's mouse in the tank and left the sliding door slightly open in case he came back, and we reluctantly left.

Halfway down the road we realised I'd forgotten something. So we turned back.

And hanging down into his tank from the bookcase above, and with the mouse in his mouth, was guess who? ^_^

Sonic himself... of course, he's grown (a lot) since then )

P'raps it's a good thing I'm forgetful. We still haven't worked out how he got out, though...

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Quizzes galore! [Jul. 29th, 2004|12:41 pm]
The one at the bottom's by me. :D

Some quizzes. I really have too much spare time at the moment... )
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