how was i to know she was underage? -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
mister harold s dingle.

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1 June 1997 [filtered to students] [01 Feb 2008|04:40pm]
Who's excited for dodgeball? I'm excited for dodgeball! At first I wasn't going to play, since I thought it would be a good opportunity to stretch my legs when it comes to practicing medicine, but then I realised that I would be denying the great Team Slytherclaw the experience of having my well-practiced aim on a team. Why, I'm the star of the water polo team! I can't go around hiding my talents!

And if anyone is in need of a quick pick-me-up before or after the match, I happen to have the proper contacts to make that sort of thing a reality.
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[ viewing | February 1st, 2008 ]
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