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Cole Root

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[19 Mar 2009|12:05pm]
I move to this Island and the first thing that happens is getting absolutely trashed for St.Pattys day. Carly, thank you for leaving me on the floor in the hallway, my muscles are thanking you.

But you won't have to worry, I'll be finding my own place soon. Speaking of, would anybody be needing a roommate? I swear I'm not a drug lord or a pimp so you'll be free to enjoy your suburban blandness. I'm excited to become bland and boring too, so I'll need someone to educate me in the ways of student poverty. I'm sorry if this comes off as condescending, it's not. I want to make it on my own and I think you're all awesome. If Carly loves you all, so do I. Except if she loves some of you like that, well I don't know if I can return the favour.
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