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Maria Helena Grayson

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Kid Meme - Tea Party [29 Oct 2013|08:38pm]
Maria skipped through Wayne Manor in her frilly pink dress and a tiara. It was a perfect time for a tea party, but they were missing one guest.

"Thomas!" she called as she skipped.
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B-Movie Meme [31 Aug 2013|10:10pm]
Gotham had its fair share of problems, but this was a new one. Vampires have descended upon the city and were making the lives of its residents hell.

Huntress was out every night trying to thin the vampire numbers.
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Waking up in strange places [24 Jun 2013|07:16pm]
Maria opened her eyes and blinked against the light of day. What the hell time was it? Morning person didn't being to describe Maria. She yawned and then realized that there was a crowd of people standing around. What the hell?
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[14 May 2013|10:48am]
Maria was camped out on the couch and watching movies. She needed a day of downtime and a chance to put her feet up. The pregnancy wasn't so bad, but she felt tired and drained most of the time. Fighting bad guys was easier and less taxing. At least in her book.

She had popcorn, water and some other snacks. Everything one would need for a movie marathon.
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6 months along - Sin [14 May 2013|10:41am]
Maria felt awkward and clumsy. Her expanding stomach was putting her off balance and her coordination was suffering. It wouldn't stop her though. She tried to do as much as she could possibly could, but she did miss the nights of kicking ass around Gotham.

Today she was meeting Sin for lunch. She had a craving for pizza. Maria entered her favorite pizza place and grabbed a table.
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It was bound to happen [13 May 2013|10:46pm]
It was bound to happen eventually. The way she lived life and enjoyed herself had caught up to her. It was time to face the music and accept responsibility for her actions.

She took a deep breath and called Mike.
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Test scene [13 Nov 2010|10:44pm]
Maria Helena Grayson Wayne opened an eye and groaned. She felt like she had been chewed up and spit back out. Stupid magic. She hated magic. It came as a surprise that one of the criminals she had been pursuing had been a magic user. She found out the hard way after she had cornered them.

Maria picked herself up and stumbled back to where she left her bike. It was gone.

"Dammit!" she cursed. It would be a long walk home. Or maybe not.

Maria found a bicycle that was locked up outside a pizza shop. She felt like a heel, but she need a set of wheels. She was only going to borrow it. She'd return it tomorrow night. The lock was easy to pick and a few moments later she rode off into the darkness.

Quite some time later she reached the Batcave. Now she could trudge upstairs and get some well deserved sleep.
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