Meiru Shibo [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Meiru Shibo

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[Mar. 1st, 2011|11:06 pm]
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For Snail Mail, please put SNAIL MAIL in the subject.
For Voice Mail, please put VOICE MAIL in the subject.
To initiate an active CALL please put PHONE CALL in the subject.

Snail Mail )

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Contact Post [Mar. 1st, 2011|11:03 pm]

We're all busy people and sometimes catching each other online is hard or sometimes we just don't communicate well. Whatever the reason, here's another place to catch me. Feel free to chat me up here, plot, questions, whatever you want. Tell me my tie is ugly. Screw you, btw. My tie is awesome.
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Application [Mar. 1st, 2011|07:16 pm]
Application )
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