cryo oʎɹɔ クライオ's Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
cryo oʎɹɔ クライオ

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My tweets [22 Sep 2019|04:00pm]
  • Sat, 12:23: RT @flargh: Doctor's office: Fill out this paperwork and fax it to us Me: I can't fax from where I am Doctor's office: Are you traveling? M…
  • Sat, 22:41: RT @yuris: Man goes biking, flips his bike, hits his head, gets knocked out and doesn't regain consciousness until sometime during the ambu…
  • Sun, 00:11: RT @dwizzzleMSFT: security is just basic fundamentals. You don’t need to spend a bunch on magic Products. You need a organized process for…
  • Sun, 00:11: RT @thomasfuchs: Ultra-wide angle lens is going to revolutionize cat photography
  • Sun, 01:47: RT @sdf_pubnix: big #thankyou to chuq and christos @netbsd for their work in resolving two NetBSD 8.x #bugs verified at SDF. please consid…
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[ viewing | September 22nd, 2019 ]
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