cryo oʎɹɔ クライオ's Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
cryo oʎɹɔ クライオ

[ website | cryo oʎɹɔ クライオ ]
[ userinfo | scribbld userinfo ]
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My tweets [25 Nov 2019|05:00pm]
  • Sun, 14:29: RT @CommieGIR: Apparently McDonalds is putting RFID in the cups to control refills. And given its gotta be cheap, its probably easily clon…
  • Sun, 18:34: RT @AlyssaM_InfoSec: TFW you learn that a company, that sent you a “we’ve decided not to fill this role at this time” email last year after…
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[ viewing | November 25th, 2019 ]
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