cryo oʎɹɔ クライオ's Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
cryo oʎɹɔ クライオ

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My tweets [22 Jan 2020|05:00pm]
  • Tue, 19:47: RT @rsmarples: dhcpcd privsep is finally fully chrooted (aside from the privileged process, because duh). The state engine was problematic…
  • Wed, 00:43: For as much as we pay for government stuff... you'd think they could afford pop guards on the mics of the senate.
  • Wed, 03:29: Need 3. Let's be friends in Pok�mon GO! My Trainer Code is 7153 9752 4184!
  • Wed, 03:30: RT @byuu_san: I've written a new article covering the final issue preventing near-perfect emulation of the SNES: exact cycle-timing of the…
  • Wed, 03:30: RT @iMilnb: @bentsukun @slpnix @netbsd I've got NetBSD 9.0 i386 (amd64 does not support multiboot) starting pretty fast with regular kvm ht…
  • Wed, 03:40: Be still my heart and likely my wallet.
  • Wed, 11:15: RT @jmcwhatever: Good morning! Here's nouveau running *accelerated* with NetBSD -current on the Arm Neoverse N1 SDP
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