cryo oʎɹɔ クライオ's Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
cryo oʎɹɔ クライオ

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My tweets [22 Mar 2020|04:00pm]
  • Sat, 12:07: RT @sevanjaniyan: NetBSD CVS repo was created by cgd, 27 years ago, today (21st of March)
  • Sat, 22:40: Day whatever. Contemplating Andromeda Strain protocol. Not even sure there are other humans left. Only contact has…
  • Sat, 23:27: RT @jmckenty: As Canadian as possible under the circumstances.
  • Sun, 10:04: RT @chadloder: COVID19 docs: put iPads in your isolation rooms and FaceTime with your patients when you can. Cuts down dramatically on PP…
  • Sun, 10:28: RT @commodoreihs: While the 1984 TED series were a commercial failure for #commodore as a follow up to the venerable Commodore 64, they rem…
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[ viewing | March 22nd, 2020 ]
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