cryo oʎɹɔ クライオ's Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
cryo oʎɹɔ クライオ

[ website | cryo oʎɹɔ クライオ ]
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My tweets [26 Mar 2020|04:00pm]
  • Wed, 12:09: RT @XLarimeX: I'm a disabled artist and draw caricatures with my mouth on the LV Strip for tips - I average $20 a face but get whatever peo…
  • Thu, 01:16: Day 15 of self-isolation... IS FANTASIA THE WORLDS FIRST MUSIC VIDEO?
  • Thu, 01:19: RT @yrechoheart: Did I see you Americans are getting a one-time $1200 check to cover COVID unemployment? Because Canada just announced $20…
  • Thu, 10:30: Year 2553. Found rectangular device containing monster that fit in a pocket with missing unknown ones in a... Poké…
  • Thu, 11:01: RT @ISCdotORG: If there is anyone out there whose @bind9 resolver is still looking up, here are instructions on how…
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[ viewing | March 26th, 2020 ]
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