cryo oʎɹɔ クライオ's Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
cryo oʎɹɔ クライオ

[ website | cryo oʎɹɔ クライオ ]
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My tweets [07 Jun 2020|04:00pm]
  • Sat, 19:02: I sneezed, coughed 3 times, then belched. Pretty sure I've summoned something or opened a portal.
  • Sat, 20:00: minding my own business after conquering a slow sink drain the bathroom.... "F* TOM NOOK... YOU SAID THIS GAME WOULD REDUCE ANXIETY!"
  • Sat, 20:05: RT @FINALLEVEL: I HONESTLY don’t think US Troops will attack American Citizens even if ORDERED to do so… People don’t join the Army, Navy,…
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[ viewing | June 7th, 2020 ]
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