cryo oʎɹɔ クライオ's Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
cryo oʎɹɔ クライオ

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My tweets [25 Aug 2020|04:00pm]
  • Tue, 07:59: RT @magpiekilljoy: i have had some incarnation of this conversation at least three times today me: sorry i am behind on my responsibilitie…
  • Tue, 08:05: RT @i_bops: Who ready to party to @TheMidnightLA Cause I do that already 24/7 👻
  • Tue, 08:19: How to not get asked to do twitter surveys: Put in every text box to get rid of nazis and white supremacy types. Deliberately misspelling to avoid auto-rejection filtering. Wait.
  • Tue, 08:27: RT @stickermule: On August 31, our experiment to give away a $500 Amazon credit with every timeline tweet comes to an end. Remember: 1. Re…
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[ viewing | August 25th, 2020 ]
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