Cult of F00Ls [entries|friends|calendar]
Cult of FooLs / v00d00Child

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Blake Caldwell : [07 Feb 2012|09:45pm]
I can't stop dancing. I'm stuck.
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Ezra Perra : [07 Feb 2012|09:44pm]
I can fucking smell him 3000 miles away... and he fucking smells delicious.
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Blake Caldwell : [07 Nov 2011|09:37pm]
Ain't no one gonna rain on my parade. Plans for next weekend are official.
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Ezra Perra : [07 Nov 2011|09:25pm]
Oh what to do? What to do?

:-) My dear dear Kermit... you know the answer.
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Ezra Eli Evans : [07 Nov 2011|09:09pm]
My name is Ezra Eli Evans and I don't have a problem.
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Morgan Culvin : [13 Oct 2011|03:36pm]
[ mood | sleepy ]

I knew today was going to be awesome because as a bird shit on my brand new coat, I got a call from the office asking me to take the day off because they didn't need me around.

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Blake Caldwell : [13 Oct 2011|03:33pm]
It's getting closer to that time of year... that time of year when I invite our drunkard friends into my home to trash the place in a blaze of Halloween glory. Be ready. This year is gonna be a good one.
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Ezra Perra : [13 Oct 2011|03:31pm]
[ mood | satisfied ]

I knew the little shit was gonna come crawling back to me.

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Ezra Eli Evans : [13 Oct 2011|03:25pm]
[ mood | quixotic ]

It is the beginning of eternity, the end of time and space, the beginning of the end and the end of every space.

What is it?

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Ezra Perra : [17 Sep 2011|12:43am]
[ mood | irate ]

What a fucking cuntish twat bag!

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Morgan Culvin : [17 Sep 2011|12:41am]
[ mood | bored ]

Drinking alone tonight. My boys are at home.

sent via DROID

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Blake Caldwell : [17 Sep 2011|12:40am]
[ mood | cold ]

Home having a night in with Ez. Good times.

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Ezra Eli Evans : [17 Sep 2011|12:38am]
[ mood | content ]

How is it before 1 on a Friday night and I am willing home, dressed for bed. I'm not even bitching that I didn't go out tonight. That's wicked.

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One. Two. Three. [07 Sep 2011|10:18pm]
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