La Lyssa Lou's Journal [entries|friends|calendar]
La Lyssa Lou

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[05 Jun 2008|12:43am]
I think I have a kidney infection in both kidneys.  The pain is so severe, and yet, I can't take time off work.  AWESOME IS MY LIFE.
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[21 May 2008|10:26am]
Life sucks, people.
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[20 May 2008|11:52pm]
Mostly all of this was done to be funny

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[20 May 2008|07:43pm]
Ganked a meme from online.

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Babies babies babies!! [20 May 2008|07:12pm]
All the make-believe people are having babies, and so are real people!

My good friend Chris became a daddy today.  Baby boy, Lennon James Floyd G., and Mama are doing well.  Bought Chris a cigar.  We had streamers, ate lots of pizza, and put crappy music on a juke box for all the other patrons to endure.  GREAT DAY.

Eventually this journal will have posts about Igor etc. and less about how my personal life is like the dirt that sticks to the gum on the bottom of your shoe.  Because it is.  BUT CHRIS HAD A BABY so everything is okay for now.
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[03 May 2008|08:13pm]
Finally  finals are over.  Not taking summer classes.  Possibly will quit my job.


Someone give me something to do.
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