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[23 Mar 2010|12:42am]

Player/ LJ:  Paul
AIM:  killerzetsu

CHARACTER NAME:  Connor (Morton) Essex / Deathwing
CHARACTER LJ: death_wings

PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION: Connor has blue skin, dark brown hair, and red eyes.  He is roughly six feet tall with a muscular body build.
AGE:  11 Months (Forcibly aged to 20)
BIRTHDAY:  April 19
PB:  Jake Gyllenhaal

ABILITIES:  Connor has angelic wings, naturally.  They have been made into organic steel by Sinister.  His feathers are as sharp as razer blade and can be projected and are immediatly regrown.  His maximum flight speed is unrecorded, but it is assumed that his genetic enhancements make him the fastest of his family.  Connor also has substantial mental resistance, but his mind can be infiltrated by skilled telepaths (this includes those on the level of his aunt, Lyta).  The genetic make-up of his body is also altered for aerial adaptation, enhanced durability, and enhanced stamina.  Sinister also upgraded his natural healing factor.

"Practiced" skills include bladed combat, hand-to-hand combat, aerial combat, and stealth.  Connor is a skilled swordsman and carries two regular katana with him.  He is knowledgable in Spanish and French.

WEAKNESSES AND FLAWS:  Connor is a curious man, and he does curious things.  He is arrogant as well, which can be taken advantage of.  By far, however, Connor's greatest flaw is his focus.  He is not capable of doing too many things at a time.  While he can defend against two to three opponents with little difficultt, higher numbers of people and tasks get him fumbling.

LOCATION:  In Transit
RELATIVES:  Gabriel (Father), Alyssa Morton (Mother), Lyta Braddock-Worthington (Aunt), Warren Worthington III (Grandfather), Callisto (Grandmother), Nathaniel Essex ("Adoptive" Father)
BACKSTORY:  Connor Morton was born to Gabriel and Alyssa Morton.  He was kidnapped by Mr. Sinister as a prize and forcibly aged to roughly twenty years old.  He emerged from cryogenic sleep when Mr. Sinister's lab was destroyed and Connor was seemingly saved.  However, Connor had already been brainwashed and fed memories of being the child of Nathaniel Essex.  He returned to Mr. Sinister's side and began acting as his loyal agent of death and chaos.

How do you plan to introduce the character to the game?  He is going to kill his mommy and try to kill his daddy.
What are you planning to do with this character?   He's going to be a big villain for the X-Men, and a subordinate to Sinister.  Eventually (long time from now) he will turn into a Punisher type of hero.
What do you want to see happen with this character?  I want to see him involved with doing bad things.  I want to see turmoil for the Worthigntons and the X-Men.  I want to see his wings dripping with blood.  ;[  I just want to see him used as the bad guy.

SAMPLE POST:  Connor narrowed his gaze and landed in front of a house he should have recognized.  The first mission he was meant to carry out was to kill a woman in Scotland, but he didn't know who she was.  Mr. Sinister had given him an address and a time, but that was all.  And while that was all he needed, Connor didn't know why this woman was meant to die.  I have to do it, but why?  But he shook his head and tossed aside the curiosity.  He didn't need to know why.  He just needed to do.  Connor opened the door and slipped into the house.

He was stealthy.  While the woman hummed a popular radio song, Connor crept into the room behind her.  He gripped the hilt of a katana at his side and withdrew it.  The woman put a plate into her dishwasher.  Connor snuck up behind her.  She grabbed another plate.  Connor sliced through her neck from behind.  The plate she had grabbed crashed and shattered on the counter before her head could roll off her shoulders.  And then Connor said, "Exterminatin of Alyssa Morton, complete."  He swiped his katana once and blood flew off.  He sheathed the blade and left the house that was once his home.

But he didn't know that.

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