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derek hough

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first entry... [12 Feb 2008|01:46am]
[ mood | bored ]

So I figured I'd start up an online journal so it's a bit easier to keep up with myself. I guess this is where I write a bit about myself so we have a start point. Well.. I was born in Salt Lake City, Utah.. but I moved to London when I was 12. My family still lives in SLC.. but I moved on my own to live with my coaches. Coaches.. I guess I'm getting a bit ahead of myself. I'm a dancer... or an artist, I guess would be more accurate. But my coaches were for dancing.. I'm a professional dancer, but unless you're into dancing, you've probably never heard of me. Although, I was on ABC's Dancing with the Stars this past season. I was partnered with Jennie Garth.. she's great but we ended up placing fourth. I compete in many styles of dance, including Latin American and hip hop. I teach these forms as well. I love dancing.. it's a very sexy and inspiring experience.. to be in control of every part of your body but lost in the music at the same time.

Speaking of music, I absolutely love it, probably more than almost anything else. I play guitar and sing in a kick ass band called Almost Amy. You might recognize the bassist from DWTS as well.. my best friend Mark Ballas. He was partnered with Sabrina and they got booted way too early. Mark is like my brother. I do have a sister though (four actually..) but Julianne is probably the most well known. Figures, sometimes more people know my little sister than they do me. But she won the last two seasons of the show, with Apollo Ohno and Helio Castroneves. She's also a singer.

I hate these things.. it makes it sound like I'm trying to get a date or something.. I don't know what else to say though. I love movies.. I like to go on my own because I cant stand it when people talk to you in movie, ruins the whole experience. I'm pretty much a big nerd. I love being active.. so anything physical is great.. I just finished the Dancing with the Stars tour last night.. so I should have a few weeks before the next season starts. Hopefully I'll get another good partner.. but I'm up for the challenge of teaching anyone, really.

I don't know... I'm 22 years old.. I've done a lot of cool things in life and I'm looking forward to doing a lot more. I guess this will help me remember them when I'm old and grey and not so pretty anymore. I kid... I'm really not that pretty.

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