[icon] differentstory - Bio: Tinker Bell
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Subject:Bio: Tinker Bell
Time:01:20 am
Name: Tinker Bell
Story: Peter Pan http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peter_Pan and http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tinker_Bell
Age: Unknown, she appears to be ever youthful
Gender/Preference: Female/ she is not at all a sexual being
Appearance: PB: Alison Lohman
Tink is tiny, only standing a few inches off the ground and she fits into the palm of human's hand. She glows bright yellow and has a pair of shiny wings. Her style is simple, she fashions dresses out of leaves or whatever extra cloth she can find laying around. When she is smiling (and its often) her smile is contagious. She keeps her hair short.

Personality: Tinker Bell is very back and forth with her emotions because she can only really feel one emotion at a time. She can go from insanely jealous to incredibly helpful in a matter of minutes but she has always been helpful and dedicated to Peter Pan. She can be caring, nurturing, and self sacrificing and she can be manipulative and vindictive, there is no middle ground for Tink, especially if she feels like she or one of the Lost Boys are threatened.

She is not a complicated creature though potentially hard to keep up with.

Strengths: She is not at all complicated, focused, dedicated
Weaknesses: She only has the capacity to feel one emotion at a time making her sometimes come off as erratic, one track mind
Quirks: *She does not have the ability to speak in more than tiny little bell noises
Secrets: *

Skills & Abilities:
Supernatural abilities: Faerie magic, she can fly, she can grant others temporary flight

History: Tinker Bell was also an industrious faerie, she mended pots and kettles and tinkered with tin products all her life. When she was still a very young faerie she met Peter Pan, a lost boy who became her best friend. He was her favorite of all the people she had ever met and she stuck by his side, even traveling to London with him on occasion.

She adventured and played all day with Peter and the Lost Boys, never growing tired of their life in Neverland and always waking up excited. She developed a rivalry of sorts when "the other" girl, Wendy came to Neverland and took some of Peter's attention away. She eventually went home but things were never the same again. Peter would leave Neverland and more often than not he would leave Tink behind. She felt like this was paritally her own fault, perhaps if she had been nicer to "the other" girl she would have stayed and she would still have her Peter.

Then one day, he never came back and Neverland was beginning to shrink. In a desperate final attempt to traveled to London one last time on her own looking for Peter. She had caught glimpses of men and boys who reminded her of her old friend but she could not find him. Heart broken she headed for home, she flew for days... an odd thing really because it should have been right there... straight on til morning, but nothing. Neverland was lost, gone forever.

Tired, alone, and still bitter about that Wendy bitch, Tinker Bell decided to stop searching for Neverland and find her Peter. She flew back to London where she lived from window sill to window sill constantly looking and never finding the Darling window sill where she had hopes of finding Peter. She fell asleep one winter night and froze to death. So should end the story of Tinker Bell... but she woke up. In a completely different place she had never heard of called Haven City. Feeling stronger and safer she resumed her search for Peter and the Lost Boys.
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