[icon] Bug - Bio: Dionysus
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Subject:Bio: Dionysus
Time:11:54 pm


GOD(DESS): Dionysus
RESOURCES: There are so many resources on Dionysus it's hard to count, I retrieved my information from multiple encyclopedia entries: http://www.theoi.com/Olympios/Dionysos.html

DOMAINS OF POWER: Grape harvests, winemaking, wine, ritual madness, and ecstasy

FULL POWERS: At the height of his power Dionysus had the ability to produce ritual madness and ecstasy among mortals with women it was just a matter of celebration but men had to imbibe his powerful wine to lose rational thought. During these celebrations, mortals have often committed terrible acts they would never think of doing while sober namely human sacrifice. The next day mortals will have no memory of the things they had done the previous night, that's right folks... Dionysus, inventor of the "black out."

He controls the growth of grapevines and the harvests. He also has the ability to make a potent wine that will cause mortals to lose their inhibitions when consumed.

Dionysus was able to see the futures of men by oracles and also able to tell how to cure diseases. He is able to change his own form and appear as anyone or anything he wishes.

ITEMS OF POWER: Grapevines, the thyrsus (a pine cone and ivy tipped staff), a chariot drawn by tigers and panthers.

CURRENT STATE OF POWERS: In a normal setting, Dionysus is virtually powerless but in a party setting he gains a little bit of his intoxicating power back and it will overtake the party-goers. He has not been able to produce the kind of ritual madness that he did in the past but he has pulled off a few black outs.

SKILLS & ABILITIES: Can produce a very potent wine despite loosing most of his power.

RESIDENCE: Homeless vagrant
OCCUPATION: Street urchin, odd jobs, occasionally sells drugs

PLAYED BY: http://28.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_kvs9lqRZs01qae06fo1_500.jpg Andrew Lee Potts
PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION: He's looking a little haggard these days, having fallen from his inhumane beauty post-fall. He's not unattractive by any means but he could use a good scrub, a shave, and possibly a hair cut. He always wears a hat and aside from a coat, he is typically dressed in tattered clothes and fingerless gloves. He has really let himself go since the fall.

He has definitely had trouble adapting and main streaming into mortal life. Dionysus has definitely fallen on the bitter side of things, he worked his ass off to get recognized in the Greek Pantheon as a God and once forgotten again he fell to pieces. He drinks a lot... like a lot a lot, more then he ever has and it effects him just like it effects mortals. He likes to trick mortals, gets them too drink more than they should and get into trouble. As an immortal he was more than happy to spread his gift and share his wine in celebration with mortals but living side by side with them, almost on the same level as them, has proven much more difficult.

Dionysus was always a proud young man who fought tooth and nail for his place in the Greek Pantheon. Full of charisma and charm, it's easy to see why people followed after him. He has always been the veritable life of the party; loud, childish, fun, and obnoxious. Things tend to get out of control when Dionysus is around. He is not easily missed.

Dionysus is not outwardly nasty, he comes of cheerful, friendly guy who loves to party. He has become jaded over the years, a bit of a trickster he enjoys anything from cheeky shenanigans to the mildly dangerous black outs he's so famous for. He is a drifter, in his past he was cursed to drift, it became natural, something he did out of necessity became something he enjoyed. He can never be tied down to one place or person for too long.

Dionysus has boundless energy, he's always ready to go and his mind is always racing. He gets bored easily, if he's not doing something he will bounce around, twiddle his thumbs, or cause absolute chaos. He's had several run-ins with the law but charmed his way out of them with his playful personality.

Born out of the thigh of Zeus and constantly avoiding attacks from Hera (thanks to his brother Hermes), Dionysus was a bit of an oddity among the Olympians. After he was driven crazy by Hera, he roamed around the world, followed by maenads and bringing celebration in his wake. He wandered as a vagrant and unable to stop until he was brought back to health. He began to position for his place among the Olympians.

After the fall, Dionysus began travelling, getting by simply on odd jobs and drug trading. He was used to travelling so after a few years he would pack up and move on to a differ locale. Over the years he has seen most of the world, easily hopping ships and sailing across oceans. He adopted the alias of Bug, a somewhat loving nickname he was given while he was occupying the position of "town drunk" in a small English village in the 18th century. He spent a good few years there, enjoying the affection of the town and the easy food he came by, but like the other towns he had lived in, his time came to move on.

In the 19th century Bug hopped a ship going to America where he found plenty of opportunities to drift. Among the masses, he was just another nameless face, it was easy to blend in. On the street, people just see him as another alcoholic homeless guy. He travelled along from city to city making whatever life he could. It's been a bit of a roller coaster for him but he makes it through. He just arrived in Chicago a few days ago. He's still trying to get the lay of the land and has yet to re-meet the other gods that are inhabiting the city.
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