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Beautiful"cormorant" machine on the 1st [18 Oct 2012|04:12pm]
 Said to be pass, the American solider planned September 28 to carry out at first"cormorant" freighter the matrix steered the scheme of allocate to Pu in Okinawa matrix in the sky from the rock country.But due to being subjected to this year a No.17th tropical cyclone to nearby wait the impact of bad weather the American solider has to reserve the machine to fly to the agenda of Okinawa.

  Owing to tropical cyclone's hasing already quitted Okinawa County, the weather in the region has been already recovered, cheap jerseys therefore, the American solider notifies Japan to defend province and temporarily park new freighter"cormorant" in the mountain pass county rock country matrix currently early words tomorrow(October 1) fly to Okinawa County.

  In July, this year, 12 American solider"cormorant" freighters ship to a rock country matrix, the American solider steers the test aviation of"cormorant" for being final terminating deploying "cormorant" in the scheme of Okinawa, since September 21, starting in the rock country matrix peripheral.

  But, in Okinawa, be worried that the noise of shouting of the machine's stability but objection allocate continuously upsurges.The local public oppose strongly to deploy"cormorant" at the region, the union organization of Okinawa and the corporate member of the objection allocate scheme once used a car once and sealed to block up Pu for sky the exit and entrance of the matrix.

  On September 30, Japanese the mountain pass county rock solemnization protest congregation in country City, the participant calls"(Japan)whole country where all non - essential"cormorant". About 1200 people bunching in front of city hall.The business agent long river jordan shoes cheap well Hong ambition appeals:"State"cormorant" temporary put at don't oppose strongly of rock country, then await a cry against of Okinawa eliminating to stop.We have to solidify stay allocate."According to know, the non obstante rock roger"cormorant" in country City machine once flew a downtown air space to wait lodge a complaint, but the United States thinks that the aviation didn't breach the agreement contents of day beautiful common committee.

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