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Purchasing a Dishwasher [06 Nov 2012|07:21pm]

Having a glasswasher is not enough. Once you have a glasswasher, you want to make sure that you take good care if it so it gives you good service throughout. If you do not treat well, you will end up buying a new one, much sooner than you anticipated. So how can you avoid such a situation? How can you ensure that you get the most from your glasswasher? Amazingly, it all begins with the glasswasher that you pick to take home with you. There are certain things that you should always keep in mind while picking up a dishwasher. Make sure that you picked the right one for all your needs. If you have a large establishment that needs you to wash a lot of glasses in a day, then you need to pick a larger kind of glasswasher. Below, in four points we try to summarize the points who you need to keep in mind while picking up a commercial dishwasher or a dishwasher for your home:


1.    Determine what type of commercial dishwasher you need.
Determine the type of commercial dishwasher by assessing the types of dishes and glasses your operation will clean on a daily basis. While glasswashers are built for washing mainly glasses and are ideal for a bar setting, the door-type dishwashers may be best for a typical commercial kitchen. So begin by doing an assessment of your requirement.

2.    Select the size that will accommodate your commercial kitchen.
When sizing your commercial dishwasher, determine the amount of dishes you need to wash on a daily basis, and how many dish racks your machine will be able to handle per hour. Many people don’t make this calculation before making the purchase and then they later regret. This also depends on how many tables your operation is turning each hour and how many dishes you will need to have available.

3.    Decide if you will need any additional equipment with your dishwasher.
Additional dishwashing supplies or accessories maybe be important for your equipment purchase. It depends on things like whether you purchase a high or low temp machine, if you require a dishtable setup in your dish room, and if your operation could use a bus cart to transport dirty dishes. Speak with an Account Manager if you have questions or concerns about additional equipment. Miele commercial dishwashers Leeds can get the job done for you. See for details.


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