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[30 Jul 2024|05:49pm]

ronan yang


ronan yang was born in burbank, california on march 18, 1994. currently, he lives in seattle, washington and spends his days working as a webcomic translatator.


born as the youngest child to a college professor and pharmacist, ronan was a painfully shy child that, while well behaved, generally had problems socializing with children his age. he found he had an artistic streak relatively young, and by the age of ten he had filled boxes worth of sketchbooks with drawings. always the observer, ronan would draw anything he could lay his eyes on: places, people, animals, among other things. this naturally led to teasing and bullying at the hands of other boys his age while growing up, leading him to hide his passion for illustration when he was young, but by the time high school had come around, he had grown out of his awkward shell and blossomed socially, seemingly overcoming his rampant shyness, as well as a newfound confidence about the talent he possessed. this was, of course, mostly a front and defense mechanism, but to this day he's been faking it until he makes it. he maintained a few close friendships after he graduated high school and majored in illustration at the otis college of art and design in california. initially, the decision to study art instead of something more practical was met poorly by his parents, but following the conclusion of his first year of study, they relented and supported his decision to pursue his passions after seeing his development as an artist. it also helped that he met them halfway and begun to enrol in translation studies at the same time as a form of parental appeasement.

he expected to find the coursework easy in college, but was surprised to find himself challenged by his instructors and peers. there were several times stress overwhelmed him and he had considered dropping out. the most notable of which occurred in his junior year when, after an administrative error he was left without housing for the entire year. against all odds, however, ronan persevered and completed his degree in 2017. all through college, he worked in the online sphere as a freelance translator for both webcomics and novels, as well as an artist for various outlets, such as emotes for twitch streamers. those connections manifested in his first major job after college officially translating for a webcomic publisher and working to localize series from korean into english, a gig that he enjoys due to the steady nature of the work. additionally, as of a few months ago, ronan scored a paid drawing gig on lehzin comics when his passion project, a slice of life, boys love webcomic named "first steps" was serialized by the website and began to be published in both english and korean. ronan writes the comic under a pen name. no one except his editor knows his true identity, and he'd like to keep it that way since the comic is based on experiences from his past. however, he has begun to struggle under the workload, underestimating the commitment the webcomic would be in combination with his professional obligations, as well as overestimating his own capabilities.


introverted and shy, ronan is frequently thought of as stoic and unfriendly, but in reality he's just in his own head worrying about saying the wrong thing constantly. with those he doesn't know well, he's more on the quiet and careful side. this is less so due to judging others, but because he's worried of saying the wrong thing and making a fool of himself.

to those that he knows, ronan is fiercely loyal, empathetic, and surprisingly thoughtful and sweet. he frequently acts as a voice of reason to those around him. he's a surprisingly good listener since he so often doesn't talk much, and he's lived most of his life as an observer. he does his best to give off a logical, rational air, but in reality is quite sensitive and emotional and prone to making rash decisions heavily influenced by his heart. once someone cracks his shell, he becomes much more laidback and carefree in his interactions with them. he's very disciplined and meticulous when it comes to keeping up with his creative endeavors and hobbies, but remains somewhat unmotivated in his professional life.


alice yang mother (incredibly overbearing)

martin yang father (well meaning but worrisome)

robert yang older brother (golden child...it's whatever)

tofu & miso his cats (literal loves of his life)

+ more tba


🥰 late nights, black coffee, drawing, lofi music, cinnamon toast crunch, webcomics, duolingo, tteokbokki, yoga, sour candy, k-dramas, anime, video games, cats, skateboarding, matcha lattes, people watching, painting, pop culture, cardigans, sketchbooks, brand new pens, stretching canvas, art history, his privacy, autumn and spring, thunderstorms, scented candles.

😡 early mornings, noisy music, driving, not being credited, tourists, soy milk, pushy people, drive thrus, constant questions, contact lenses, summer and winter, heights, being called a grump, public speaking, photoshop, having to redo the same layer 45 times, shading, leaving home on less than 100% phone battery, conflict, nosy people, white chocolate, frosted flakes, dating in general, tiktok dances.


☀️ pisces 🌑 gemini ⬆️ pisces ﹡ infp ﹡ introspective ﹡ shy ﹡ charismatic ﹡ sarcastic ﹡ impulsive ﹡ overthinker ﹡ cautious ﹡ resourceful ﹡ clever ﹡ artistic ﹡ secret nymphomaniac ﹡ self-indulgent ﹡ lowkey lazy ﹡ laidback ﹡ hedonistic at times ﹡ lowkey repressed ﹡ afraid of commitment ﹡ lackadaisical ﹡ daydreamer ﹡ hopeless romantic ﹡not a morning person ﹡ curious ﹡ sensitive ﹡ slow to open up ﹡ slow to anger ﹡ fiercely loyal.


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[info]jakehager taught me this victory dance! [23 Nov 2012|12:05am]
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