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C.C. § I overcome space and time. ([info]eevee) wrote,
@ 2008-06-17 19:15:00

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Current mood: happy
Current music:Lament by KOTOKO.

!! 68 !!


Sometimes, it's hard to remain positive in these kind of moments. At other times, it's the feeling of "why did I wake up today?" kind of way.

How this meme works is that you comment with your own username and others will either reply anonymously or with their actual usernames and tell you what's positive and why they love you as a friend!

So, yes, pass this on to your friends! Come, let's feel the love!


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2008-06-18 06:52 am UTC (link)
In a lot of ways, you remind me of my sister, which is cool because she and I get along. |D Your icon always brings a smile to my face, and the irony of your username vs your personality makes the name AWESOME.

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2008-06-19 01:54 am UTC (link)
Aw, thanks! ♥ And yeah, it's practically impossible not to smile after seeing Dave Grohl. Honestly! He's got an excellent set of chompers, doesn't he? xD And yeah, it's amazing how much people assume from usernames. I guess part of the reason I picked it was because I wanted to see how many people would accuse me of being a nazi based on something so trivial, but it's not the entire reason! I'm a crazy history buffffff.

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