[icon] Utakata no Muse - July 7th, 2010
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Subject:Introductions are in order...perhaps
Time:03:02 pm
I seem to have gotten myself yet another journal. This one, however, I think I'll keep private. Just for me.

I collect journals the way I collect email addresses. It's rather odd. I'm losing track of exactly how many journals I have. This one, though, is the name I want at LJ, except that I don't want to pay for a rename token, nor go through the hassle of telling all my friends there to change their settings for me. So perhaps it's best I keep it to myself, here.

What I shall put in this journal, I don't quite know. Perhaps just random things I don't want others to see. Perhaps works in progress I'm not ready to share. Like I said, it's entirely new to me.

But, here we go again!
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[icon] Utakata no Muse - July 7th, 2010
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