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Holden Everard

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Warded to Students Only [11 Feb 2008|12:10am]
Well....that certainly was a fun Ball, eh? After the ball was far more fun

Was it just me or did the beverages taste a bit odd? Thats why I stuck to butter beer. Speaking of I could go for that right now...and French Toast. Core, that sounds bloody good! I need to hurry down to the kitchens.

Oh, and apparently casting hexes on the walls of certain class rooms....make them bounce back. For a good while I couldn't get my voice to come back until I finally focused enough to cast the charm without words.
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[06 Feb 2008|01:04pm]
Mum sent me an owl. Apparently Barry managed to get himself sent to the hospital. Something about a baby Manticore. He's always been the stupid one in the family. When will he learn what things you should pet and what you shouldn't.

I think I just might have figured out that bloody rock for Runes class. It has something to do about the sun or whatever.

Oh right...there is a Masquerade Ball this Friday isn't there.

So, who wants to be my date?
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[04 Feb 2008|02:12pm]
There really is nothing like a nice relaxing afternoon with alcohol, nudity, and necking in the dormitories. I have to say, yesterday was quite refreshing. I'll need to do it more often.

I need to stop sleeping in and missing breakfast as well. I forgot how amazing the House Elves cook the bacon here. Mum always burns it at home. And here, its perfection. Its practically all I ate. Well, that and a good triple stack of those fantastic strawberry waffles. ...Hell, I need to go down to the kitchen now. Maybe they'll make be a plate now, because I'm hungry just thinking about it.

And I'm bloody sick of Ancient Runes. What kind of professor expects us to translate with just the use of some ruddy medallion with no bloody inscription on it. How on earth am I supposed to use THAT to translate THIS!?

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[02 Feb 2008|12:07pm]
Right, does anyone else have a splitting headache or is just me? Because it feels like my bloody head is about to burst open.
That wouldn't been very pleasant would it? Brian goo all over the floor and whatnot.

And can someone please tell me why Sorell Wickham some people are so bloody sensitive? Honestly! It was a week.
I need something to lay waist to my sorrows. I'd drink some more but the bottles my brother gave me are mysteriously empty.

...Oh....maybe thats why my head hurts.
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[28 Jan 2008|12:57pm]

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