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Silver Sable International Staff [28 Dec 2010|12:15pm]

Marc Warren

Name: Henryk Radwan

PB: Marc Warren

History: Henryk works for the country of Symkaria as Nicolai's personal assistant. It's his job to make sure Nicolai takes care of his duties as the prince of Symkaria while also working to make sure that he does not get into too much trouble. Not a very easy job but he has had better success than any of the assistants before him. This is probably because Nicolai likes him and the fact that Henryk doesn't ride him about things. Henryk is known for making the occasional sarcastic remark and is one of the few people Nicolai lets get away with doing so about him. Henryk loves his home country and would do anything for it.

Abilities: Henryk is a great personal assistant. He is skilled at reading people and working as a spin artist if he needs to. He has access to a lot of information for making political decisions which he readily use to help out. He has had basic combat training though is not very skilled at it.

colin ferguson

Name: Shawn Major

PB: Colin Ferguson

History: Shawn is the head of day to day operations for SSI. He can be a bit of a hardass but is only that way because he knows he needs to be in order to get things done. Off the clock though he is actually a pretty nice and fun guy. He has been working for SSI for almost two decades now and is extremely loyal to the company.

Abilities: Shawn is not much of a fighter but he is a great organizer and a master of logistics.

Thomas Kretschmann

Name: Robert Cross

PB: Thomas Kretschmann

History: Robert was a decorated member of  the British SAS. However Robert was dishonorably discharged for striking a Superior officer when said officer had left him and his men to die as expendable during a bombing. SSI hired him afterward due to his record before his discharge and gave him leadership of a team for missions. He has time and time again proved his loyalty to the company and his skills. He is currently in charge of SSI New York's Bravo team.

Abilities: Robert is a very skilled and highly trained soldier who has some natural leadership skills have have proven invaluable.

Chris Pratt

Name: Jeremy Hicks

PB: Chris Pratt

History: Born in Toronto Canada Jeremy loves to talk and does not seem to be capable of stopping. When he first applied to be SSI's new Communications Specialist he wasn't taken seriously but when they finally let him work he quickly showed his skill. Jeremy is a bit of a sci fi and fantasy nerd and this happens to be one of his favorite things to talk about.

Abilities: Jeremy is a natural linguist and speak dozens of language fluently and know enough of many more to get by. He has some skill at codebreaking as well though this is not his specialty. He can also repair most of the communication equipment and secure lines. Jeremy is not much of a fighter but has the most basic SSI combat training.


Name: Rodrick Leacock

PB: Common

History: There isn't a gun or fire arm that Rodrick doesn't know how to use. Rodrick is a former US Navy Seal and has the training and skills to use it. After leaving the US military Rodrick was recruiting by SSI. Unfortunately during his first mission he took a piece of shrapnel to his left knee. While he could still walk and move around pretty well he would never be at his peak again or able to do much for missions. But Silver felt bad about this and gave him a position as the master of the Armory in New York's home base. He took the job and while he would love to be able to go out on missions again is still grateful for what he can still do.

Abilities: Rodrick is an ace shot and has Navy Seal training even if he can move like he used to. He knows all the weapons in the SSI armor and can find them in the armor blindfolded and has proved it.

Abgelina Jolie

Name: Eva Green

PB: Angelina Jolie

History: Eva always dreamed of flying ever since she was a little girl. She got her pilot's license when she was in high school and got into stunt flying from there. Her skill attracted Silver Sable Int who offer her a job flying for them. She has done many missions acting as support for team. Eva is a very friendly person and often flirts with members of the team, guy or girl, she is with before or after missions.

Abilities: Eva is an expert pilot and can fly almost anything. While she doesn't have much in terms of military training she can fly with the best of them.

Name: Tom Hobbes


History: Tom always was really good with his hands and was working with advanced mechanics before he was ten. After he graduated high school SSI offered Tom a job and to pay for him to go to college. He of course took the job and has had a lot of fun with it.

Abilities: Tom is a highly skilled mechanic and can fix almost any vehical or upgrade it.

Debra Jo Rupp

Name: Cassandra Valentine

PB: Debra Jo Rupp

History: Cassandra was a field medic for years working for the US Army saving many lives for her country. However the army decided that she was too old to keep working as a field medic and asked her to either retire or join with the formal medical staff for the Army. She liked being out close to the battle to much and retired hoping to find a job that would keep her close to the action. Silver Sable International contacted her first and offered her a job. She quickly took the offer getting to work on soldiers again often close to the action.

Abilities: Cassandra is a highly trained medic and doctor with year of experience working for the US Army. She is also a capable shot with her handgun though prefers to never use it if at all possible

Account Name- [info]nextgen_ssi
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