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MacKenzie Rider

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Meme: Illness or Injury [25 Mar 2013|07:00pm]
"Okay, Korra," Mac said, coming in with a tray of approved snacks and drinks. "I know doctor-ordered bedrest is no fun, but if you need anything, I am Her Highness's faithful servant. S'what cousins are for."
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Altfuture Meme: Fight: No Hope [25 Mar 2013|05:25pm]
This was not a job for the avengers. That was elsewhere, dealing with some other aspect of the enemy's threat to civilization. This attack by HYDRA forces, which these days were under the leadership of a guy who thought the only problem with the Red Skull was he thought way too small, was for today a battle of armies.

Or possibly the word 'massacre' was better than 'battle', if one wanted to discuss semantics.

For some reason, Mac did.

"Highness!" One of the Atlantean special forces declared. "It is hopeless."

"Define 'hopeless,' said Mac. "If by hopeless you mean 'oh gods, oh gods, we're all gonna die, then, well, yeah dude. If you mean we might as well roll over, heck no."

Mac looked over to some of their allies. "Nicolai! What's the word, Highness?"
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[26 Nov 2012|11:56am]
Her Royal Highness MacKenzie 'Kenzie' Rider was changing for practice at the Avengers mansion.
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AU: Survivors Include... [05 Jun 2011|08:54pm]
It hadn't been anyone generally considered important. That's what surprised so many people. The boy could lift 52 tons soaking wet, and the men who killed him weren't anyone generally considered important. AIM flunkies terrorizing a small Atlantean community with toxic chemicals spewing from their station. His Highness wasn't having with that, and charged right out to deliver an ass-kicking. Which was when they broke out the flamethrowers, and the dehydration started.

In the end, the station would never hurt anyone again. But neither would Mac, unless you counted how the news hit his loved ones. He had an Atlantean funeral with full honors, the Avengers, FF, and extended Rider clan coming down in scuba gear. Nita and Namora were inconsolable.
Rich was stonedfaced when he found out, but he wasn't good at stonefaced. He held his wife for a while, and then went to talk alone with her cousin. Something had to be done.
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Memories [16 Jan 2011|05:11pm]
MacKenzie is four, out for a swim with his mother, rushing up through the water at top speed. " Can't say Wex, Mommy. Not Namor."
"Princeps, sweetie."
"Impewius Pwinceps!"

MacKenzie is eight.
"Sorry, Highness," drawls the exceptionally young Atlantean lordling, only a few years older than MacKenzie, who is clearly trying to sound much older. "We are limiting this game to six players, and we already have six. You would probably be better off at official training, anyway. You're the heir apparent, you know."
"Apparent doesn't count," Mac mutters as he returned to his mother. She promises he can play basketball next time they're up at Grandma Rider's.

MacKenzie is twelve. "Hey, Vincent!"
"Hello, MacKenzie." Vincent didn't look up from his book.
"How about some one-on-one again?" It had been awesome playing with someone closer to his physical level.
"No, thank you."
"...Horse, instead?"
"I am occupied, Rider." Vincent looks up from his book, but only to wave at the girls from the Pep Squad.
"Oh.....okay." Mac slinks off to shoot baskets alone. Again.

MacKenzie is about to turn 16. "Dad? You're leaving the week after my birthday, right?"
"Yeah, Mac, wouldn't miss it. Gonna miss the next one though, I'm afraid. Gonna be a long beat."
"I wanna go with you."
"Whoa. What about school?"
"I've signed up to take the GED day after my birthday."
"Your mom's not going to think that's enough."
"It's all you've got."
"I repeat, you're Mom's not going to think that's enough."
"I'm not collegey like Mom. I'm not regal like Mom, either, for that matter. I wanna go with you, Dad."
"...Okay, but you're going to follow all the rules. I'll help you convince your Mom."
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Meme [13 Nov 2010|11:30pm]
Read more... )
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Homecoming and Court Appearance [12 Nov 2010|11:08pm]
A year and a half he'd been flying around space in Dad's figurative Invisible Sidecar. It had been a great time, but eventually a guy's got to go home. For about five figurative minutes before heading to the other home. The one were you couldn't tell how much the courtiers were sighing inside at the sight of you. How they regretted that Princess Nita had felt compelled to marry surface, had brought another peach-colored kid into the royal house.

But hey, this was still home, and family, and he wasn't an embarrassment to anybody. He could even do formality when he tried. hard.

It was announced to Namor that his youngest cousin, Mr. Mackenzie Rider, was here.
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