MISTER Frédéric Chopping.'s Journal [entries|friends|calendar]
MISTER Frédéric Chopping.

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[13 Dec 2008|07:57am]
out of character.
hello my name is RACHAEL
i am 18 YEARS OLD
i have this much experience IN MY PANTS

in character.
hello my name is Freddy Chopping – Homme Extraordinaire
i am 20 years old – a junior.
my major is music therapy.
i’m from Chicago, Illinois

one. Frédéric only addresses himself as his full name to the ladies to make them impressed by him. Otherwise, it’s Freddy. He likes to call himself by his full name in front of women because he’s good with “French.”
two. Obviously, Freddy is quite the charmer. He believes he can do anything to make a woman love him. And he does. There are always a few women who call him desperate, but Freddy just calls himself a young adventurer searching for the truest love one can have.
three. Freddy is very much a romantic spirit. He fantasizes about different women very often, making each little detail about them absolutely extravagant. He tends to think that it makes women feel better about themselves, which he loves to do.
four. Since he loves to make women feel better about themselves, it is rather obvious that Freddy would like to make almost anyone feel better about themselves. Freddy is an adamant believer in music therapy, which is his major at Allegro. Allegro was his first choice because it was the closest school to home which offered a music therapy program, and a rather good one at that.
five. Freddy grew up playing the guitar and then quickly switched to viola for classical training. In his spare time, he wrote melodies that were soon to become minor piano compositions.
six. Freddy hates children with a deep burning passion. They’re annoying and sticky and little and loud. Obviously, they sort of mess with his game. He doesn’t want children EVER because he believes that they are the spawn of creatures from hell. He normally plays tricks on children to make them go away.
seven. Though he knows Allegro is a competitive school, Freddy isn’t really here for that. He is here for his own knowledge, and it doesn’t matter if he gets just mediocre grades in theory and aural training – he does his best.
eight. Freddy thinks that the diva sopranos are absolutely hilarious. He constantly makes fun of all of them for being so dramatic, and he won’t by any means be quiet about it. Freddy is often openly rude. However, he gets little crushes here and there on certain pretty sopranos that catch his eye.
nine. Though it seems like he can sort of be a prick, Freddy is legitimately caring and concerned about the women he cohorts with. He will do anything to comfort them and make them feel generally good about themselves.
ten. Freddy has a few soft spots where he actually seems shy every once in a while, but it is very rare and very quickly remedied. Normally, you’ll see him joking around with other boys in the building instead of practicing.
but if you promise not to tell. Freddy wet the bed until he was thirteen. He had night terrors, and every once in a while, he still gets them, screaming in the middle of the night. After it happens once, he makes his roommates promise never to say anything, ever.

pb/picture ben barnes.
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