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Geoffrey Gavin Brand

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[13 Jan 2017|11:21pm]
They're the Brands, bitches. )
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Owl to Maggie Brand [11 May 2014|10:14pm]
[The chicken scratch on the page is bad enough that Maggie probably has to run through it a few times to really get what it's saying, but at least it's an effort. There's some nasty protection spells on it, though, despite the letter's relatively difficult script. Maybe he started drinking after he put those on.]


I figured that instead of telling you in person so you could hit me (again), I'd let you know that the League is reinstating me.

I'm testifying against the people that helped me fix matches. They're the sort of people like -- well, you remember that bloke I hit over the head with a plant pot on your doorstep? They're like him.

I don't expect you to talk to me on the pitch. It's probably better if you don't, anyway.

Since I ruin everything I tou--

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001 [15 Mar 2011|03:10pm]
[Chandler] So, did I ever tell you about the time when I hit a Death Eater over the head with a flower pot? [/Chandler]

I don't care what anyone has been saying, Magnolia looks absolutely stunning with her newest accessory.

All the girls are going to be wearing them soon, you'll see.
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