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Meme Scene - Will and Avia: Marvelous Mishaps of Matrimony! [24 Jan 2012|08:57pm]
Will didn't know what the big surprise Avia was talking about, but he knew it had to be good. Avia had been such a regular part of his life that he couldn't think of anything bad happening, except some circumstances which were more mischievous than evil.

Still, it was nothing but good thoughts. This was the woman who was his first girlfriend. This was the woman who he lost his virginity to. This was the woman that he trusted with all his heart. So if she called him over for something, in a place like this, it was bound to be a good reason.
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Meme Scene - Iris and Will: Infection of the Soul [24 Jan 2012|08:55pm]
He was one of the few who could reach the high speeds that were needed, and even then he would always loose. It was like the old races between Superman and Flash, with them being close most of the time and then Flash racing away.

But right now Jon was busy with that Savatar creep, which meant it was just him trying to stop the infection Iris had. Savatar...did something to her connection to the Speed Force. She began to run. And run. And Run. They were doing well enough because Savatar wasn't as skilled as the other speedsters, but Iris had a chance of running herself out.

All he remembered her saying was "He's inside my head."
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Alternate Universe: Earth 1.75! (Mickey and Will!) [26 Jun 2011|02:00am]
Will Freeman. Current wielder of the power of Shazam. Sweet guy. Bit on the shy and stuttering side when it comes to women. And here he is in the JSA surrounded by several who find it hilarious to try to break his brain. Girls with feathers and a lack of sense of propriety. Green skinned girls who flirt and giggle and pull said winged girls in close for what look like kisses and..

Well, Wills gonna try to take his mind off of that now. He managed to get his homework stuff ready, finding the quiet confines of his room in the Brownstone very relaxing and a good place to do homework.
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The Monster Society of Evil - Plots and Characters! [06 Jun 2011|09:04pm]
Plot Summary: There are a series of robberies in several cities through out the world, but they are focused in Khandaq, Fawcett City, Fairview, San Fransisco and New York City. When the teams of those cities investigate, it looks like they were all robberies of old Sivana Industries buildings that had been boarded up and no longer in use.

Will (as a Marvel) and Max (as a Sivana himself) begin to look into the matters themselves when they come into conflict with the new Monster Society of Evil, who looks to be led by Ibac, an old nemesis of the Marvels. However, it is clear that there is another person running the show behind the scenes: the robberies and attacks are coordinated. This culminates in the theft of Wills lightning by Serendipity.

The plot comes to a climax in the skies above Fawcett City, where the Titans and Justice Society fight all the members of the Monster Society while Will and Max go through the old Sivana headquarters to find the leader of the Monster Society. However, the leader of the Monster Society has far different motives that what were originally suggested...

The Monster Society of Evil
A society built around those in opposition to the first Captain Marvel, this Monster Society seems built for the sole purpose of creating a shock force that is using the thefts and battles in order to draw the attention of the highest bidder. They have an unknown mastermind behind their attacks.

Black Marvel: The same Black Marvel that attacked the Justice Society, Black marvel is the first of three brute muscle types to be in the Monster Society. Since her defeat while a member of Injustice Society Unlimited, Black Marvel has been wanted a rematch with Will.

Serendipity: The second of the brute force members, Serendipity is a Sivana and is well received amongst the ranks of the Monster Society. Her ability to drain any Marvels of their powers and her ability to channel several Indian gods makes her another force to be reckoned with.

Ibac: The last of the trio of brute muscle, the newest Ibac revels in the cruelty of his job with a smile, his sanity chipped away by the dark powers that fuel him. He is not actually related to the old Ibac: that one was swallowed up by the denizens of Hell years ago. This one does come from similar origins: he was once a petty thief that found himself on the wrong end of a supervillain. With his dying breath, he called out for anyone to save him, and the same Lords of Hell who powered the original Ibac showed themselves, offering him power in exchange for his soul. He accepted and became the new master of the Dark Forces.

Mr. Mind: This Mister mind is a clone of the original, so far removed from the original he is Mind name only. This Mr. Mind was one whose mental faculties were compromised so long ago when Cthulhu was summoned in San Fransisco Bay. This clone had been languishing in supernatural madness when he was recruited, and as such has gained the ability to impart a small degree of mind blasting telepathy to whomever he controls.

Mr. Atom: Mr. Atom was a sentient robot first built so many years ago to fight Captain Marvel with the power of the atom bomb. It has been rebuilt again using the original schematics, but updated to include the most up to date alloys and nuclear energy outputs. More a machine to wreak destruction than a being choosing cruelty, Mr. Atom takes commands directly from the mastermind.
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Memeage Ahoy! [05 May 2011|07:54pm]
List one of your characters, and one of mine, and pick either:

2)Their first date.
4)Their first time.
5)AU/Possible children(please pick either or as I won't do both)

And I'll list 5 facts about any of them.
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